Thursday, February 25, 2010

When I look at these pictures I sort of love Yuma.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bisbee bark park

Here is another excellent example of a homemade sign. This one from the bisbee bark park. Hand painted! Caps and lower case telling you to enter around the corner. I think I love home made signs so much because they always seem to be telling you something to do. Thats the best part about them.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Home made signs

After a two year hiatus I am inspired to blog again. What inspires me you ask? Home made signs. I have become obsessed with home made signs. I just go around looking for them and photographing them every where I go. I always noticed them I just decided to start photgraphing them. I especially like hand written ones where a person is telling you to shut a door or somehting like that. I intend to use this blog to post all my photos of home made signs.

So here is my first blog about home made signs. Pretty good sign wouldnt you say? Look at how inspired that person was to paint two pieces of play wood and put it on their roof. It just amazes me. I hope to make this a blog about my new obsession-home made signs!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Flagstaff in the summer

Part of the Yuman experinece is being able to visit Flagstaff every summer. Here it is in all it's glory and tranquility this summer. Rocky Mountain Iris in the foreground and the SanFrancisco peaks in the background. Yes, Yuma in the summer sucks! But thats why we visit this beautiful place in the summer. click on this image and have a closer look, its really beautiful.
ps. this is from the research station we stayed at part of the summer.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Drought adapation

Here are some drought adapted native trees- NOT! This is obviously a poor tree choice for Yuma. This sort of thing is quite common to see just entire rows of dead trees. This row of death extends all the way across the front of the house and around the side. I sort of wonder what the home owner thinks as they drive up to their lovely landscape every day?


Here is pretty typical Yuman landscape. Look hard, not a living plant on the property. And yes people do live in this house I have seen them. And yes that is the ever popular Yuma window covering-tinfoil . Sometimes these people come outside and water their dirt.

100 Vacumms

Here is one of my first Yuman experiences: I wanted to buy a vacuum and didn't want to go to Wal-mart. So I saw this second had store down my street that had about 100 used vacuums all weather beaten and left out in the sun. But I went in anyway and asked how much for a vacuum. Twenty bucks the chain smoking guy said. I said great, do they work. Not a one of 'em he said. The he proceeded to tell me that they all had broken belts, brushes or something wrong with them and that he was going to have this kid come by and fix them all. I asked if I could plug them in to see whats wrong with them. Nope, was his answer. So, twenty buck for a vacuum cleaner kept out in the sun, that you know doesn't work. With guys like this out there no wonder Wal mart is so popular.